EWaste Africa Featured on The Big Small Business Show!

We are thrilled to share that EWaste Africa was recently featured on The Big Small Business Show, which aired on 25 October 2024. This was a fantastic opportunity to highlight the importance of responsible e-waste management and our mission to make a positive environmental impact across South Africa. Missed the episode? No worries – you […]
Electronic & Lighting Waste Solution – GCIP

EWaste Africa now offers a legally compliant and cost-effective recycling and refurbishment for your end-of-life solar panels. This will help you to reduce your environmental footprint.
Tough choice: do we dispose or recycle CFL light bulbs?

Breaking a light bulb and in particular, the modern energy-saving compact fluorescent lights (CFLs) is a normal occurrence – a lamp either breaks or goes to light bulb recycling because it got burnt and thus the need for a solution to recycle light bulbs. To one person, light bulb disposal is as easy as sweeping […]
Our 67 Minutes

E-Waste Africa prides itself on being an active member of the community as it sees the value of being an involved organization that cares about its staff, community and the environment.
Innovation Pays Off For Young Entrepreneur

“South African company addresses on irresponsible disposal of light bulbs by offering recycling solutions.”