Managing your solar panel waste

Dr Mark Williams-Wynn, R&D Manager from EWaste Africa estimates that PV waste is expected to reach 1.4 million tonnes worldwide by 2030. South Africa has 17 million solar panels installed to date, and most of these will require end-of-life (EOL) management before 2040. EWaste Africa has recently constructed equipment to be able to recycle solar […]

Electronic & Lighting Waste Solution – GCIP

EWaste Africa now offers a legally compliant and cost-effective recycling and refurbishment for your end-of-life solar panels. This will help you to reduce your environmental footprint.

PREVENT Waste Alliance

EWaste Africa is proud to announce that we have joined the PREVENT Waste Alliance as of January 2022. This alliance brings together organisations from the private sector, academia, civil society and public institutions, all with an interest in promoting innovative solutions for a functioning circular economy worldwide. We believe that joining this alliance shows our […]

EPR Regulations are now in effect

fluorescent lighting tubes

The EPR Regulations and Notices of the National Environmental Management: Waste Act of 2008 are in effect in South Africa as of 5th November 2021. These regulations and notices cover lighting, electrical & electronic equipment and packaging. This means that anyone (person or company) who imports or manufactures these items is responsible for their end-of-life management.

Tough choice: do we dispose or recycle CFL light bulbs?

Breaking a light bulb and in particular, the modern energy-saving compact fluorescent lights (CFLs) is a normal occurrence – a lamp either breaks or goes to light bulb recycling because it got burnt and thus the need for a solution to recycle light bulbs. To one person, light bulb disposal is as easy as sweeping […]