EWaste Africa begins construction of a locally invented facility for recycling rare earth metals
EWaste Africa, a lighting and electronic-waste recycling company, has begun work on a prototype rare earth metals recycling facility in Pietermaritzburg, KwaZulu-Natal.
Tough choice: do we dispose or recycle CFL light bulbs?
Breaking a light bulb and in particular, the modern energy-saving compact fluorescent lights (CFLs) is a normal occurrence – a lamp either breaks or goes to light bulb recycling because it got burnt and thus the need for a solution to recycle light bulbs. To one person, light bulb disposal is as easy as sweeping […]
Press Releases
DEA Media Release Newspaper Article One Pager
Luminophosphor powder recycling process
EWaste Africa and UKZN have partnered to commercialize a luminophosphorus rare earth recovery plant. Further news will follow soon…
Pravashen Naidoo on Making a significant environmental impact
“Cash flow, patience, innovation and the winning team are the recipe to the success of the first light bulb recycling company in South Africa”
A Bright Idea
“A brilliant idea of recycling hazardous waste leads company to winning 3 awards.”
Our 67 Minutes
E-Waste Africa prides itself on being an active member of the community as it sees the value of being an involved organization that cares about its staff, community and the environment.
Lamp Recycling – Lamp Recycling Plant from Balcan Engineering
Another award for EWaste Africa: News24
“Hard work pays off as E-waste Africa is awarded their second award at the Young Entrepreneur Award at the South African Premier Business Awards.”
Innovation Pays Off For Young Entrepreneur
“South African company addresses on irresponsible disposal of light bulbs by offering recycling solutions.”